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CPRE Hampshire Community Hedge Fund

At CPRE Hampshire, we are delighted to offer grants up to £1,500 to assist community groups with the planting or rejuvenation, by laying or gapping up, of hedges in areas which are accessible to the general public. Read on for more information about our Community Hedge Fund.

At CPRE Hampshire, we LOVE hedges. Not only are they a beautiful feature of our countryside, green spaces and gardens, they make a great contribution to reversing the effects of climate change, and in providing shelter, homes, safe travel and food to all kinds of wildlife. Our goal is to contribute to the national CPRE hedgerow target by increasing the length of UK hedgerows by 40% by 2050. #40by50. And that’s where you come in.

CPRE Hampshire Community Hedge Fund

Could you plant a new hedge on your village green, school grounds or at the side of your cricket pitch? Have you spotted a hedge that is thin and straggly? Or can you see under and through to the other side of the hedge, indicating that it is in need of rejuvenation? If so, we can help plant, restore and rejuvenate Hampshire’s Hedgerows, with our Community Hedge Fund Grants, up to £1,500.

To apply for our Community Hedge Fund, your hedgerow planting must be completed:

  • With 1-2yr hedge whips (using additional mature saplings must be provided by other means)
  • between November and March, but November and December is best.
  • using native species such as, hawthorn, blackthorn, privet, spindle, crab apple, dogwood, guelder rose, field maple, wayfaring, hazel, dog rose (use dog rose sparsely as provides less structure)”
  • forming a mixed hedge at least 7 species to maximise the benefits to wildlife.

We recommend planting your hedgerow in a zig-zag pattern, with spacings approximately 30-40cm apart. Some species have a better chance of surviving beyond the initial more risky years if planted in soils that are specific to their needs. So, we’d recommend choosing the appropriate species for your soil type (you can ask your local supplier for guidance).

Read this advice from the Tree Council on protecting your young hedge.

Applications accepted until December 2026. Projects must be carried out during the hedge planting and laying season, between November and March, and therefore we must receive all invoices by 31st of May 2027.

If you require further information please email

Community Hedge Fund Application Form

Read top tips for managing hedgerows – People’s Trust for Endangered Species

The funding is designed for the purchase of whips and tree guards and/or the cost of labour and materials (stakes and binders) in the case of hedge restoration by laying. We can also provide advice and guidance on getting started, where to buy whips, what species to plant, how to plant a hedge, how to care for and manage your new hedge, as well as resources to promote awareness and education around the benefits of hedges for wildlife, farming and climate. We have ready-made Key Stage 1 and 2 materials for any children involved. Where appropriate, we can also provide support and hands-on advice with hedge planting.

Another opportunity for community groups might also be to carry out research on local areas to understand historic hedgerows and field names. CPRE Hampshire could cover costs such as historical maps. Please contact directly to discuss this opportunity.

Please visit our Hedgerow Hub for further information and resources on why hedges are important and how to go about maintaining a healthy hedge, including the process of hedge laying.

We look forward to hearing from you.