Rooftop Renewables
At CPRE Hampshire, we are committed to tackling the climate emergency, which threatens not only our countryside but our planet.
Hampshire County Council declared a climate emergency in 2019. As a result, two targets have been set for the County Council, and these also apply to Hampshire as a whole:
- Be Carbon neutral by 2050
- Be resilient to the impacts of temperature rise
We know that our countryside can provide many of the solutions, through effective land use, whilst protecting our valued landscape.
At CPRE we believe the best place for as much solar as possible is surprisingly simple – on our roofs. Our current campaign on rooftop renewables calls for a balance to be struck between developing renewable energy schemes and protecting areas of high landscape value and high grade agricultural land.
Putting solar panels on the millions of roofs across the country means that we don’t need to use as much extra land to meet our energy needs. This saves land from industrialisation, and paves the way for regenerative agriculture that will produce food and provide a much-needed home for declining wildlife species.
Understanding the potential of Solar Power in Hampshire
Our interactive solar mapping tool has been created by The University of Southampton Energy and Climate Team to help identify the potential rooftop solar capacity of individual buildings across Hampshire’s parishes, towns, and districts. In addition, it also shows the location of existing and planned ground-mounted solar farms.
Learn how to use the mapTo deliver a rooftop revolution, we need policy change nationally and locally.
Expert research for CPRE shows that at least 60% of the solar energy we need can be delivered through installations on new builds, commercial buildings and car parks. We’re calling on the government to set a new and ambitious target for generating clean and affordable electricity from rooftops.
Sign the petition