Planning and policy group

The Planning and Policy Group (PPG) is a sub-committee of CPRE Hampshire’s board of trustees.
Overall aim
The group, made up of around 25 enthusiastic volunteers and staff members work to support the aims and objectives of the CPRE Hampshire group and of national CPRE. The leadership and proactivity of the group helps define the direction in which CPRE pushes for policy change, allowing to protect the countryside as much as possible so everyone can enjoy it.
Within PPG there are two sub-groups that lead our branch campaigns and focus on improving our responses to Local Plans across the country. The PPG works closely with our district groups and with external bodies operating within Hampshire to cooperate on matters of common interest.
Areas of work
In addition to planning, the group covers transport and aviation, farming and local food, minerals and waste, rural economy, energy and water, and other areas referred to by the Board of Trustees.
Key contacts: Carole Oldham, Chair: