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Planning for a South Hampshire Green Belt – Sep 2019

The Paper: Planning for a South Hampshire Green Belt has been updated. This paper sets out the planning case for a new Green Belt for South Hampshire as part of a wider strategic vision for Hampshire.

The original paper prepared in September 2017 has been updated to take account of a number of important changes. Support for the principle of a Green Belt by local authority leaders was secured at the PfSH Joint Committee at its meeting in December 2018. They agreed that the Green Belt should be included as a key part of the work that will form the statement of common ground.

This document is intended to set out those areas where the PfSH local authorities will work together on strategic planning issues. The new National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) published in February 2019 continues the Government’s support for Green Belts. CPRE Hampshire published its study on the Effectiveness of Settlement Gap Policies in South Hampshire by consultants West Waddy 2019 which concluded that the current planning polices intended to protect the countryside between the cities and towns was not working.

Read our Planning for a South Hampshire Green Belt Paper

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