Hedgelaying training with HCC tenant farmers November 2022
We were delighted to host Hampshire County Council tenant farmers on a hedgelaying workshop, alongside CPRE Hampshire Chair Margaret Paren and Councillor Oppenheimer, Executive Member for Countryside and Regulatory Services. Photo gallery below to see how the day went.
CPRE Hampshire Hedgerow Heroes Co-ordinator Ellie, welcoming CPREH Chair, Margaret Paren and HCC Cllr Oppenheimer.
Ellie and Margaret taking a look at the new ‘Hedgerow Kitbags’ aimed at KS1 and KS2 students. To be given out to selected schools across Hampshire.
Stuart, our expert hedge layer, starting the day off with some background.
Explaining the history of hedgerows. Why we have them, what they are good for (many, many reasons!), why we’ve lost so many of them and why we need to put them back!
The farmers get stuck in with clearing the brambles, blackthorn and ivy so we can access the hedge stems for laying.
Stuart explains some more details on how to lay a hedge. Which direction to lay in and what angle you lay the pleachers at (South of England style).
Working in pairs: April and Aidan.
Hoping to take on their own farm soon.
Boyd, CPREH, and Richard, resident farmer.
Lester and Holly, HCC tenant dairy farmers.
Jonathon, Hampshire Countryside Service Ranger) and Dan (HCC tenant farmer).
Stuart 2ndary pleaching with a chainsaw.
Stuart demonstrating to Richard.
Putting the binders in.
The final touches – twisting the hazel round the last stake.