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Explore Hampshire’s Meadows

Meadows are one of the hidden gems of the Hampshire countryside.

We would like to encourage you to explore our magnificent meadows and visit them now whilst they are at their midsummer best, in celebration of National Meadows Day (the first Saturday in July).

As you wander through the meadows, bees buzz around and butterflies flutter gracefully from bloom to bloom, pollinating the flowers. The air is filled with the sweet fragrance of wildflowers, creating a sensory experience like no other.

Among the wildflowers that adorn the landscape, the delicate bee orchid stands out, its intricate petals beckoning curious onlookers to marvel at its beauty. The vibrant hues of cowslips and red campions add a splash of colour to the green canvas, creating a mesmerising tapestry of flora.

This colourful landscape is a testament to the importance of preserving and protecting our natural habitats. Find out about our ongoing work to support the growth of meadows in Hampshire.

Celebrate National Meadows Day

  1. Visit Meadows: Venture out to your nearby meadows during their midsummer peak. Witness the vibrant blooms and seed heads dancing under the sun. These wildflower meadows are essential for wildlife, carbon sequestration, and our well-being.
  2. Plantlife Reserves: Explore one of Plantlife’s 23 nature reserves across the UK. These reserves support various grassland habitats and rare species. Discover the magic of these biodiverse spaces.
  3. Create Your Own Meadow: Meadows aren’t limited to the countryside! Follow Plantlife’s expert guide to transform your garden lawn into a mini meadow for next year.
  4. Local Discoveries: Whether it’s a wild corner in your local park, a churchyard, or even your own lawn, explore the meadows right at your doorstep. Use Plantlife’s identification guide to help you spot the wonders around you.

Places to visit in Hampshire

  • Visit a traditional meadow at Hoe Road meadow in Bishop’s Waltham.
  • Explore a restored meadow at The ridge of Magdalen Hill Down in Winchester.
  • Between St Catherine’s Park and Ride car park and St Catherine’s Hill, you’ll find the beautiful Cowslip Field at Bar End meadows.
  • Hockley Meadows has been restored using conservation grazing and applications of ‘green hay’ from a nearby Site of Special Scientific Interest (SSSI). You can see the colourful result walking along the footpath between Twyford Lock and Hockley Mill.
  • Visit Ballard Water Meadow and explore New Milton’s wildlife haven.