Local Plan responses – Fareham and Havant
CPRE Hampshire has commented on two South Hampshire Local Plan consultations – the Regulation 19 Fareham Local Plan 2037 consultation and the Pre-submission Havant Local Plan with Amendments December 2020.
Regulation 19 Fareham Local Plan 2037 consultation
CPRE Hampshire is extremely pleased to see that Fareham Borough Council have approached their new Local Plan from a landscape-based perspective, a process which we wholly support.
We fully endorse Fareham Borough Council’s inclusion of a Climate Change policy, which must underpin all other policies and spatial planning.
We are also pleased to see that Fareham have adopted housing numbers based on the latest available housing projections from the ONS, the 2018-based projections, which show a considerable reduction in estimated local need. However, we remain disappointed that there seems to be no mention of a potential new South Hampshire Green Belt in the Reg 19 consultation.
Read our response: CPRE Hampshire Submission Fareham Local Plan 2037 December 2020
Havant Local Plan Pre-submission version with amendments December 2020
Our main concern relates to climate change.
CPRE Hampshire would like to see significant improvements to Policy E12, or inclusion of a specific climate change policy, such that it underpins all other policies and spatial planning. At the moment, CPRE Hampshire believes that one of the most fundamental ways of combating the likelihood of adverse climate change, is to plan development where it can use better public transport and be less reliant on the car.
The aspirations in the Havant Local Plan Policy E12 are more about how development can respond to climate change, and rather less about how spatial planning of future development can help prevent it. We consider that this is a missed opportunity.
Read our response: CPRE Hampshire Havant Pre-submission Local Plan with Amendments Response Consultation Form Dec 2020
CPRE Dark Skies Map Havant District
Update February 2021 – The Havant Borough Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for Housing Communities and Local Government for examination on 12 February 2021. And the Secretary of State has appointed Jonathan Manning BSc (Hons) MA MRTPI and Thomas Hatfield BA (Hons) MA MRTPI to undertake the examination. Charlotte Glancy has been appointed as the Programme Officer for the Local Plan examination and will deal with all procedural and administrative matters. Charlotte Glancy is independent from the Council and reports directly to the inspector. She will act as a channel of communication between the Inspector and all parties including the council officers and representors.
No dates have yet been announced for the Hearings, but you can keep up to date by checking the webpage set up specifically for the examination: Local Plan Examination | Havant Borough Council.