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CPRE Hampshire Hedgerow Restoration Project Objectives

The site of the project is just south of Bransgore, on the Western edge of the New Forest and close to the Burton Common Site of Specific Scientific Interest. We aim to plant a new  hedgerow along historical boundaries and to gap up existing hedgerow, which has become degraded over the years. This is the first stage in the restoration of some 50km of hedgerow across the estate. 

  • 1.7km of ancient hedgerow will be re-planted with native species of hedges and trees.
  • Gaps totalling 1.3km of hedgerow will be filled with native species of hedge.
  • Local hedge-planters will be employed for between 4 to 6 weeks.
  • 1km of underused public footpaths will be restored.
  • We aim to increase visitor numbers to the site footpath and bridlepath by 50%.
  • Habitat for wildlife will be improved in hedges and field margins.
  • Soil quality will be improved, allowing better absorption of carbon.
  • 2 school visits to the site will take place involving up to 40 local schoolchildren.
  • 4 interpretation boards will be placed to explain the importance of hedgerows and the benefit of hedgerow restoration to wildlife and the environment.
  • Recruitment of volunteers and creation of Friends of Meyrick Estate Volunteer Group.